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It Ain’t EZ Being the King!

Good Ole Boys … Gone Bad

Originally Published December 2008

“Well, here we are at the end of another year,” Bubba reminisced with his good friend, LeRoy.

EZ Rider

“I tell ya, time surely flies when you’re having fun!” LeRoy added.

“Yeah, seems like just yesterday, we were back at the beginnin’ of the year, lookin’ out over the New Year, while workin’ on some black eyed peas and collard greens,” Bubba noted, with a twinge of hunger.

LeRoy stirred the pot a bit as Bubba added a piece of salt pork, “you know, with times the way they are, we may wanna stock up on the fat back and plant some more collards,” said LeRoy, watching his friend.

Bubba nodded in agreement, “this economy has surely headed south, everybody’s tightened up like one of those old alum pickles my granny used to make.

“Talk about things changin’, I reckon things will surely be changing, now that The Senator is in charge of The Commish,” LeRoy observed.

“Yeah, I reckon ol’ EZ Rider is relegated to the sidelines for a couple of years now, at least until the next election” Bubba added.

LeRoy piped in “you know, I heard an old saying once, ‘It ain’t easy being the king’, I reckon there’s quite a bit of truth about that, you know there’s always somebody who’s gonna disagree with you, and there’s always someone gunnin’ for ya!”

Bubba chuckled, having a bit of a revelation, “You know there is some truth to that old sayin’ from all different angles.”

He continued, “it sure ain’t an easy job, and it sure ain’t EZ’s job anymore”, he concluded with a chuckle and a wink.

Illustration by Tom Richmond
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